Weight Loss Programs

IMG_2103When it comes to your health and appearance, releasing your extra poundage can be successfully achieved with hypnosis and a supportive coach. One on one sessions provide the undivided attention you need to assess and change the key elements preventing your weight loss. Whether it’s 30 pounds or 130 pounds, or even 5 pounds or 150 pounds, whatever the amount you wish to be gone, these weight loss programs will provide the motivation, behavioral change and stress relief from being overweight.

As you read over the descriptions keep in mind your own expectations of weight loss. Losing weight naturally with hypnosis is best kept at 1-8 pounds a month. Where you fit in is your own personal characteristics, health, ability to be active, etc. The biggest factor regardless is reducing the portion size of your meals and making healthy food choices.

If you wish to have the support and encouragement for larger weight loss goals, you may want to schedule the longer program. Meeting weekly over several weeks can help you stay on track as you develop and become stronger through the hypnotic sessions.

Regardless of the program you choose, all programs have a weight reduction/release audio to reinforce all the benefits you will be receiving from the sessions. This audio is personalized for you. It is uniquely yours and includes the exact steps you need to successfully lose weight.

  •           6 Month Hypnosis for Weight Loss plus Coaching $1425.
  •          10 Sessions Weight Loss Coaching with Hypnosis   $990.
  •          Hypnoband Weight Loss Program (see page)            $630.
  •           Weight Loss Success with 3 Sessions $450.

The sessions are now conducted via Skype. These sessions are an excellent way to receive hypnosis with Skype in the comfort of your own home. Choosing a time in your home where you will not be disturbed sets the stage for your sessions.

Meeting your hypnotherapist with your first phone consultation gives you each an opportunity to explore your issues and how hypnosis can help.  Whatever program you choose you are on a great path of discovery, learning more about how to become a healthy trim person.

To schedule your 20 minute phone consultation, fill out the contact page with your phone number and the best time to call. I will try to get back to you within 24 hours. We may have to work out the best time because of our schedules.

Another bit of information you can provide to help you with the right program is to include the following information on the contact form. There are some restrictions for entering the program although most can be accepted. If you answer the following it can save us both time on the phone!


Phone ____________


Weight_________ Amount to lose_________

In Doctor’s Care for Weight  Yes_______No___________ If yes referral needed_______

Taking Medications___________Which ones____________ Reason___________

Ever been Hypnotized__________Yes______No________

Ever had Therapy_____Yes______No________

Thyroid Condition _______Yes______No____

Looking forward to helping you make fantastic changes through the power of your own mind~Christine